

Vault Festival, 2020 – London

Due to Covid 19 we had to close the show one day before the opening and we’re forced to have an online premiere. We are looking forward to staging this show in the near future. 

Writer Lola Lagos
Translator Rocío Gómez
Director Nastazja Somers
Lighting Lucía Sánchez Roldán
Sound Nicola Chang
Set & Costume Isabella Van Braeckel
Stage Manager Sebastian Davut
Producer María Inés Olmedo

The world premiere of Invisibles by Argentinian writer Lola Lagos platforms the voices of two Latin women who despite being robbed from their dignity and freedom, never succumb to losing their spirit.

Sandra and Marisa have been in this place for a long time. A place that only takes and takes and takes away… Yet when the music plays, the women dance, laugh and love. Stuck between abuse and violence, they keep on living and dreaming. Dreaming of a better life, somewhere across the river.

Directed by feminist theatremaker Nastazja Somers, Invisibles is a haunting and political piece of theatre that brings us closer to understanding the real weight of endurance and resistance carried by so many women in many foreign lands.

Invisibles got selected as TOP 10 shows not to miss during Vault Festival 2020 by The STANDARD UK as well as on the Top recommendations  by Lynn Garner