Helénico Theatre, 2014 – Mexico City

Writer Beth Henley
Translator Alberto Lomnitz
Director Enrique Singer
Set Erica Krayer
Lighting Víctor Zapatero
Costume Amanda Cárcamo
Sound Alejandro Giacomán
Producer María Inés Olmedo
Executive Producers María Inés Olmedo and Anabel Caballero

Cast Marina de Tavira, Irene Azuela, Ilse Salas, Martín Altomaro, Jana Raluy, Pedro de Tavira Egurrola

This tragicomedy relates the story of the three Magrath sisters, who reunite at Old Granddaddy’s home after Babe shoots her abusive husband. The sisters were raised in a dysfunctional family and each has endured her share of hardship and misery. Past resentments bubble to the surface as the sisters are forced to deal with assorted relatives and past relationships while coping with Babe’s latest incident.

This show was produced with the support of EFITEATRO.