Helénico Theatre, 2014 – Mexico City

Writer Molière
Translator Carmina Narro
Director David Olguín
Set and lighting David Pascal
Costume Adriana Olivera
Sound Design Rodrigo Espinosa
Producer María Inés Olmedo
Executive Producers María Inés Olmedo and Anabel Caballero
In association with Carmina Narro

Cast Silvia Navarro, David Hevia, Sergio Zurita, Marcela Ayala, Judith Inda, Andrés Montiel, Héctor Iván González, Abraham Jurado, Oscar Serrano, Ricardo Rodríguez

Alceste is a man who cannot stand human race. However, he falls in love with a woman that represents all the vices that he despites of society. What appears to be unbreakable in his ethic, suddenly becomes threatened by the love he feels towards Celimena.

This show was produced with the support of EFITEATRO.