López Tarso Theatre, 2015 – Mexico City

Writers and Directors Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi
Set Ingrid Sac
Lighting Mauricio Ascencio
Costume Ana López
Sound Juan Carlos Ertze & Arturo Aguilar
Producers María Inés Olmedo, Claudio Sodi, Jacobo Márquez, Paula Sánchez Navarro, Ana Bracho, Andres Tovar
Production Manager Lucía Romo

Cast Laura Zapata, Natasha Dupeyron, Tessa Ia, Alexis de Anda, Federico Di Lorenzo
Rock Band Adrian Toussant, Luis Flores, Javier, Jara, René Ibarra, Julio Serrano, Miguel Iglesias

We find ourselves at “The Compass» summer religious camp. Where Bernanda, a nun who just arrived, plans to save the girls from all their sins through her really old fashioned theme “We believe in faith”. She never expects to find two rebellios teenagers that will challenge her while they are experiencing their own true calling or identity enlightenment!

It’s a funny and moving play where God sings Whitney Houston and Sister Milagros, a young and confused nun, sings Maná. It is a coming-of-age play that teaches us in a benevolous satiric way that we should never lose faith. Above all, we should speak up for who we are, for our friends, for our own beleifs and especially for the sake of reggaeton music!